Week 8, The Judiciary Branch

Third branch of the national govt is judiciary branch, which is the supreme court. The supreme court defends the constitution and peoples right. Supreme court also checks the congress and executive branch. The judiciary system offers dual court system. There we have state level court and supreme court at the top level. Cases are brought up to supreme court when states court are exhausted to the case. When ruling case at the supreme court judges has to consider multiple factor. A large numbers of important individuals plays major roles during a supreme court hearing.

State level jurisdiction may vary states to states. That’s because states have different interests in different things related to its citizens. But supreme court decision is the final. Supreme court holds the judicial review power. That means the supreme court can declare a law is unconstitutional. In the constitution not much power was given to supreme court. But as time passes supreme court evolves its power.

The judiciary branch a little bit tricky sometimes. To review a case at the supreme court it has to get approved by 9 judges first, and there is so much more procedures to successfully review a case in supreme court. The judiciary branch is like a safety net of our govt. Just in case anything goes the supreme court is our safeguard.

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