Monthly Archives: December 2020

Grading the assignments

Midterm Exam             = 18

Final Exam                  = 13

Meme Assignment      = 15

Intro slide                     = 5

Final slide                    = 5

Film Review                 = 9

Weekly cite blog        = 19

Total = 84

I gave myself 15 credits for the meme assignment. I added the introduction slide on class collaborative google slide. Also final slide, I uploaded to the drop in link. For both assignment I’m giving myself a 5+5=10 points together. For Film review assignment I will take 9 points. I have done lots of writing on my weekly blog for that I will take 19 points. Final later grade I’m giving myself is a B.

Foreign Policy

Foreign policy is most important for the government. Foreign policy includes Diplomacy, Military and security policy, international human rights policies, economic policies and Environmental policy. Main purpose of foreign policy is to provide Americans safety and prosperity of the world. Foreign policy affects every American other countries. The president is the one who handle the foreign policy. When making foreign treaties it takes 2/3 votes of senators to ratify the treaty. The president rely mostly on executive power to make foreign treaties.

When making foreign treaties the first priority is the security, then economic growth, lastly the environmental. The United states has one of the highest rates of global warming gas emission. Making treaties with other nation foreign policies take steps toward improving the global environment. In terms of economic progression, US trade with different countries. The president makes trade deals in way that will better serve for the economy. Foreign policy is very integral part of the government.

Meme Assignment

When we think about who is the most powerful individual in the world, without hesitation we know that the US president is the most powerful one. No other countries president holds as much power as the president of United States does. The power of the president increased over the years. The presidents power to give executive orders and commander in chief of the army, navy and air force are two greatest weapons. This makes the president most fearful individual. Nobody would want to mess with Mr. President knowing that he controls the strongest army in the world and so much more within and outside the United States boundary.

The president is in the executive branch of the govt. In the constitution, Article ii cited the executive power, which will be given to the president. Section two of article ii granted the military power to the president. It means the president has the power to use the military whenever he wants. This power specifically given to the president so that during any emergency the president can deploy militaries as quickly as possible without needing any approval from congress. However, the president can’t declare war, only congress can declare war. Ironically over the decades the US presidents sent troops to different continents without the congressional consent. In conflict with Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan the congress never declared a war yet the presidents sent US troops in multiple battlegrounds. The bottom line is when somebody possesses such a mighty army of United States it’s hard not to use it.

Congress makes the law in united states. The presidents job is to enforce these laws. The president can propose a bill, but only congress can pass the bill and make it a law. Likewise, President can veto any bill approved by congress. The president has the power to impose executive orders. An executive order is independent from congressional debate. When congress couldn’t come up with a decision, then the president can give an executive order. The power of executive order very useful for a president in times of crisis. As example, Ongoing corona virus pandemic brought disaster to our economy and people life. So many people lost their lives, more than 20% working people out of jobs due to pandemic. The govt issued a immediate emergency funds to unemployed peoples and business companies but a second round of aid was necessary as the pandemic spreads really quickly. The congress were unable to agree to a bill on time, so by the presidents executive order we received a financial aid which was crucial to fight this pandemic. Executive order is very important in emergency situations.

The presidents power expands even more. The president can assign the supreme court judges, fill up the vacancies, make treaties along with senators, choose ambassadors etc. As long as a president follows the constitution he can hold all these power. In case a president do something unconstitutional, congress can impeach the president to remove him from the office. Impeaching a presidents requires majority votes of congress parties on behalf of impeachment. So, no matter how strongest a president can be the congress can replace a president with another.

Donald J. Trump on my meme represents the presidents of the United States. His facial expression in the pictures shows his confidence and his power. As a president of the US he can use his armed force anytime he feels is necessary. He can make any foreign treaties and take actions to boost our economy and safety of the nation. What my meme saying is that, The president is the most powerful and influencing person in the world and it is fools idea to take on a president.