Civil liberties is for everyone whether someone is U.S citizen or not. Civil liberties are mainly freedom of the citizens. In the US constitution, first ten amendments of bill of rights protects our freedom. These amendments limits power of the government and ensures our liberties. Even though Civil liberties are protected by bill of rights, the govt can use enumerated power to detain political suspects or criminals without any court trial. during WWII US military put Japanese-American citizens in containment camp because they feared Japanese- Americans loyalty to their country. This explains in times of national emergency the govt can take away freedoms from its citizen.
First four amendments gives us freedom of religious practice, freedom of expression, right to bear arms, un lawful govt arrest and the next four amendments provides us with fair trial right to have advocates, speedy jury. Last two amendments limits power of state and federal govt.
When I read about about Edward Snowden, How he exposed NSA to public about spying on peoples internet activity and in foreign countries, I highly doubt that are the govt really protecting citizens freedom. Spying on peoples day to day life means intruding peoples privacy. And I believe its unconstitutional even though govt might say we spy on people for public safety purposes