Week 5, Blog #2 Civil Rights

Civil rights protects minority from majority. It is very important that we protect our civil rights. It’s the govt’s job to fulfill our civil rights. In the 1860’s civil right movement changed a lot of things. The 14th amendment provided citizenship to everyone born and raised in US. Civil rights are the greatest weapon against discriminations. Because of civil right many minor groups are safe from govt injustice.

States can’t punish us with cruelty. If they do they’re disobeying the constitution. We must appeal in supreme court if states take away our civil rights. Supreme court is only our hope that won’t discriminate us. Any decision made by the supreme court applies to every states. Nobody can undermine supreme laws.

Civil right gave us equal rights, Equal education, equal powers. It creates a balance between majority and minorities. So that all people live in peace. Without civil right there would be chaos and conflict all over the country, just like the 1860’s civil war.

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