Week 6 ( The Legislative Branch) Part 2

When I picture The Legislative Branch as a whole, I find that the congress are the parent of the executive branch ( the president ). Its because congress very much influences the other two branches. Congress regulates money, so our economy depends totally on how congress will spend its annual revenue. Congress has the power to kick the president out of the white house. Just a like a parent punishes their child for doing something wrong. It can also declare war against other countries, power to manipulate foreign treaties etc.

The two party of congress are the senate and house of representatives. A senator can serve as long six years, whereas house representor serve shorter term of two years. When a bill is introduced it is debated by the legislature lower committee. Then that bill goes to first chamber where it is again discussed. If the first chamber passes the bill it goes to second chamber. When both member passes the bill, that bill become two different bills. Now it is in the hands of both chambers, if majority officials agrees, that bill receives its legitimacy. This is how the legislature process is done.

The bicameral legislature is very important for our government. Any law is passed by the congress verily debated and thoroughly processed. Every state equally proceeds to congress made law. No states can’t disapprove what congress says. It is the power constitution granted to congress. The congress is the brain of America.

Source https://openstax.org/books/american-government-2e/pages/11-2-congressional-elections

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